Farmlab Participates in Parking Day L.A.

On Friday, September 19, 2008, Farmlab participated in Parking Day L.A. -- our park was located at 4th & Winston, just off of Main Street. The park was titled, "Palm Trees (Artists Must Create On The Same Scale That Society Has The Capacity To Destroy #8). To read the accompanying text, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

This is the second consecutive year that Farmlab has joined in to both create an ephemeral park as well as host a Parking Day-related Public Salon.

The 9/19/08 Public Salon held at Farmlab featured UCLA Professor Don Shoup, C.L.U.I.'s Erik Knutzen, and architect Ali Javanjee. The topic du jure: "Lots Angeles: On Parking in L.A. & Elsewhere." Click here for more information.

For information about the Parking Day L.A. event-at-large, visit the official project website

Palm Trees
(Artists Must Create On The Same Scale That Society Has The Power To Destroy #8)

Lauren Bon / Farmlab

This pair of SS-25 Sickle Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) was constructed in1985 at the Minsk Wheeled Truck-Tractor Manufacturing Plant located in the current Republic of Belarus and Former Soviet Union (FSU). These 45-ton, three-stage missiles have an attack range of 10,500 kilometers and carry a nuclear warhead. That warhead has been removed for this exhibition.

The SS-25s and their comrade Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) were acquired in 1993 for $59 million by the United States, as part of the Nunn-Lugar Act's Cooperative Threat Reduction Program. This program aimed in part to metastasize Strategic Rocket Forces into productive civilian use. Belarus was briefly the world's eighth-leading nuclear weapons power. The nation is home to 12,000 plant species. Queen palms can spread 25-feet.

“William Pope L.: Art After White People: Time, Trees, & Celluloid… Santa Monica Musem of Art, 2007,” Lisa Melandri, ed., Santa Monica Musem of Art Publications, 40 pp.

Farmlab Photos by Roxanne Steinberg

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