Metabolic Studio Public Salon:
Sam Easterson
Friday, April 2, 2010 @ Noon
Free Admission

The Museum of Animal Perspectives: Crowdsourcing Remotely Sensed Wildlife Imagery
This presentation will focus on the history and future of the Museum of Animal Perspectives (MAP). The Museum of Animal Perspectives collects and displays wildlife imagery that has been captured using remote sensing cameras. Through the presentation and interpretation of this imagery, the MAP endeavors to expand the public's capacity to empathize with animals and plants.
MAP founder Sam Easterson is a video naturalist. Included among the museums that have exhibited his work are the Whitney Museum of American Art (Biennial), the Walker Art Center, the New Museum and the International Center of Photography. In addition to working as a video naturalist, Sam Easterson has also held staff positions at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles and at the Te Tapa Tongarewa National Museum of New Zealand. Most recently, Easterson worked as a Senior Producer at the Royal Ontario Museum, where he developed video content for the ROM’s new permanent Schad Gallery of Biodiversity.
Above: Burrowing Owl In Burrow
Courtesy: Sam Easterson/Museum of Animal Perspectives
Further Information