Metabolic Studio Public Salon
Gabriella Salomon
Friday, August 13, 2010 @ Noon
Free Admission

Intuitive Chefing; the art and science of simple salads
In this salon we will explore and learn about the art and science of making salads. We will begin with a brief overview of raw foods from a flexitarian perspective, including what ingredients, tools, and resources are essential for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Then I will share my secrets to making salads more creative and delicious, as well as demonstrate a recipe (or 2 if we have time) for a dressing that will bring new life into your salad bowl.
Gabriella Salomon, aka Raw Mama, is a certified Spiritual Live Foods Instructor, aspiring nutritionist, and a new member of the Metabolic Studio team. She trained at the Tree of Life Rejuevenation Center, one of the world’s leading spiritual, vegan, raw and live food healing centers. Gabriella began working out of her home in Santa Cruz, California, delivering raw lunches to local community members, and quickly made her way into the downtown farmers market through a unique and innovative business model for a food collective. Currently, she works for the Metabolic Studio as the kitchen manager of the Strawberry Flag Project at the West VA hospital. There she works with veterans to bring healthy food to the table and share alternative ways of creating community around healing nutrition.
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