Metabolic Studio Public Salon
Felicity Powell
Friday, October 2, 2009 @ Noon
Free Admission

Medals of Dishonour reframes items in the British Museum’s permanent collection by presenting selected historic medals alongside newly-commissioned medals by thirteen internationally recognized artists, including Jake and Dinos Chapman, Ellen Gallagher, Richard Hamilton, Mona Hatoum, William Kentridge, Grayson Perry and Felicity Powell. Elegantly displaying the historical and contemporary medals together the exhibition offers a long view through history that is both intelligent and wry.
Art historian Andrew Graham-Dixon writes that Felicity Powell, the conceptual progenitor and co-curator of Medals of Dishonour, has “singlehandedly…revived an entire Renaissance tradition - a rich and intricate tradition of subtle workmanship and symbolism”. At the Metabolic Studio Felicity will discuss both Medals of Dishonour and works from her recent solo show at London’s Domobaal. It will be a talk “about subversion, secret histories and historical hiccups”.
Labels: Felicity Powell, Lauren Bon, Medals of Dishonour, Metabolic Studio