Visiting Writer Touts Farmlab, Seed Library

In Eat My Words: Urban Farming, a recent post to her Gelatobaby blog, journalist Alissa Walker offered up the following observations about Farmlab:

"To my delight, some of the most interesting urban agriculture projects are happening right here in LA. I got to spend a day at Farmlab, the incredible project founded by artist Lauren Bon near Chinatown. After our tour of their radical urban agriculture structures, gardener Jaime Lopez Wolters took me on a bike ride tour through the former Not a Cornfield, now LA’s newest state park. If you go there now, you can see the wildflowers blooming.

"I also visited Farmlab’s seed library, which is probably the single coolest room I’ve ever been in. Every single plant they grow is hung upside down here until it dries so they can properly capture the seeds. They also have an annual seed giveaway, which was happening in December. If you haven’t been to Farmlab yet, I encourage you: Go."

Walker visited Farmlab while doing research and interviews for an article which appears in the March/April edition of ID magazine.

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