Farmlab Public Salon
Claude Willey and Deena Capparelli
Friday, June 29 @ Noon

"Native Plants and Dusty Paths: Experiments in the Inland Empire
About the Salon
Join Deena Capparelli and Claude Willey as theyl discuss their work on two multi-year projects: 'MOISTURE' and 'Invisible Trajectories: Passing Through the Inland Empire.' The MOISTURE project is an on-going experiment (since 2002) taking shape on a 15-acre site in Mojave Desert. Involving native plant re-introduction, remote sensing technology, DriWater, and water-diversion strategies, the project has been funded by the LEF Foundation and The Beall Center for Art and Technology with generous assistance from the Center for Land Use Interpretation and the Rain Bird Corporation. Invisible Trajectories, a project partially funded by the California Council for the Humanities and recently featured as an exhibit at the Wignall Museum in Rancho Cucamonga, is a layered tale about the hidden paths, access dilemmas, and personal accounts of mobility within the Inland Empire. More info here
and here.
About The Speakers
Claude Willey is an artist, urbanist, and educator, teaching in the Urban Studies and Planning Department at California State University, Northridge and at Art Center College of Design. Willey’s activities have merged ecology, renewable-energy technologies, and urban transportation history. He defines himself as a professional bicycle commuter, clocking 230 miles per week on the roads of L.A. County.
Deena Capparelli, an artist and educator, has taught full-time at Pasadena City College for 18 years, initiating numerous multi-disciplinary programs involving art, design, and science. Her interests range from sculptural installation to ecological/native plant design.
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